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Feynman Zhou, Lindsay Liu
Published on:2021-02-11    The number of views:

Come on! Your Exclusive Certificate is Ready

It’s highly appreciated that the KubeSphere community has nearly 100 contributors by February 2021. Voted and approved by the KubeSphere Community Technical Committee and the KubeSphere Steering Committee, 10 Ambassadors, 15 Talented Speakers, 22 outstanding contributors, and 6 active contributors with remarkable contributions were selected throughout the year.

Vote of Thanks

KubeSphere Community Steering Committee would like to express gratitude to KubeSphere Members, KubeSphere Ambassadors, KubeSphere Talented Speakers, and KubeSphere Contributors, and extend the sincerest greetings to all the members who participated in the open-source contribution to the KubeSphere community. Therefore, we prepare an exclusive gift for you.


KubeSphere Member

KubeSphere Members are granted to members who have deeply participated in the open-source contribution to the KubeSphere community. These members have independently developed or tested one or more features, written or translated documents, or helped to promote KubeSphere and open-source technologies in various communities. Now we have invited all of them to join KubeSphere GitHub.

Name Certificate
Jie Chen Download Certificate
Ling Li Download Certificate
Honglei Shen Download Certificate
Turtle Chang Download Certificate
Jian Zhang Download Certificate
Kai Zhang Download Certificate

KubeSphere Talented Speaker

KubeSphere Talented Speakers are awarded to outstanding lecturers who have conducted public technology presentations at KubeSphere Open-Source Live, KubeSphere Meetup 2020, and CNCF Webinar. They are excellent KubeSphere evangelists and splendid speakers.

Name Certificate
Benjamin Huo Download Certificate
Tian Fang Download Certificate
Leo Liu Download Certificate
Lei Song Download Certificate
Juan Xu Download Certificate
Zhanling Chen Download Certificate
Jeff Zhang Download Certificate
Yueliang Liu Download Certificate
Tally Lee Download Certificate
Xiaofei Yang Download Certificate
Jiong Duan Download Certificate
Wanjun Lei Download Certificate
Michael Yuan Download Certificate
Wenhu Wang Download Certificate
Ke Zhou Download Certificate

KubeSphere Ambassador

KubeSphere Ambassadors are awarded to technical evangelists who are helping to grow the KubeSphere community. The following members have shared KubeSphere practical cases and technical articles in the KubeSphere community many times to help more users to get to know the application scenarios and best practices of KubeSphere.

Name Certificate
Guoyou Li Download Certificate
Pahud Download Certificate
Hengjun Wei Download Certificate
Lei Xue Download Certificate
Yang Yang Download Certificate
Xingmin Lu Download Certificate
Haitao Pan Download Certificate
Will Zhang Download Certificate
Xinglin Xue Download Certificate
Haili Zhang Download Certificate

KubeSphere Contributor

KubeSphere Contributors are for members who have participated in KubeSphere’s open-source projects or published high-quality technical blogs on the KubeSphere Chinese forum, as well as members who have helped to submit and fix bugs.

Name Certificate
Ader Fu Download Certificate
Howie Zhang Download Certificate
Wenbin Liao Download Certificate
Renee Teng Download Certificate
Hui Zhang Download Certificate
Changjie Fu Download Certificate
Tao Hu Download Certificate
Ruichao Lin Download Certificate
The Way Download Certificate
Wei Zhang Download Certificate
Huihui Fu Download Certificate
Jack Zhou Download Certificate
Gang Liu Download Certificate
Wei Wang Download Certificate
Shiwen Gong Download Certificate
Chen Jin Download Certificate
Junjie Ma Download Certificate
Zehuai Wang Download Certificate
Shanjie Han Download Certificate
Yuanpeng Liang Download Certificate
Hongbing Pei Download Certificate
Xinyang Xie Download Certificate

Many community contributors from all over the world have silently submitted Pull Requests on GitHub. We still don’t know the names or contact information of these contributors,so we express our appreciation to them in the Readme of the project repository.

We have sent an exclusive gift to acknowledge all members who have participated in the KubeSphere community. If you have submitted a Pull Request that has been merged, but your name is not mentioned in the list, please contact us freely, and we will send you the certificate and a souvenir.

KubeSphere Partner

In addition to the contributors listed above, the KubeSphere community would like to express our thanks to developers from the AWS Community, Apache APISIX, Apache SkyWalking, DockOne Community, K8s Chinese Community, Ruijie Networks, WeDataSphere Open Source Community (WeBank), CASI Cloud, Jenkins Chinese, TesterHome, SegmentFault, Istio Community, KubeEdge community, openEuler community, Zhongtong Express, and all community partners.

Looking Ahead

2020 was an unusual year, but we survived and thrived. In 2021, we believe that everyone is ready for the new challenge. The open-source community brings us together to work in the same direction, for we all share the same value and the same goal. And we know the KubeSphere community has an exciting prospect because the contribution and effort from every one of you will make it happen in the new year, and every year. Join us!


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